TÜV AUSTRIA is among the trend TOP 500


The only Austrian technical inspection association (Technischer Überwachungs-Verein, [TÜV]), TÜV AUSTRIA, and its +3 200 employees in +30 countries have excellently mastered the challenges of the previous year. The TÜV AUSTRIA Group is once again among the trend TOP 500 and can report an impressive progression from 400th place (in 2021) to 373rd place.

The ranking of the business magazine trend ranks Austria’s largest companies based on their turnover. “The performance of Austria’s largest companies in 2022 was better than expected: The country’s top companies largely performed well and achieved sales growth significantly above the rate of inflation,” trend summarises the result.

TÜV AUSTRIA CEO Dr. Stefan Haas und CFO Mag. Christoph Wenninger - trend TOP 500

The current TÜV AUSTRIA Annual Report 2022 brings a compact overview of the activities of the TÜV AUSTRIA Group in the most successful year in the company’s history, which was also the 150th anniversary of the only Austrian TÜV.

The report also provides an outlook on further developments for 2023, such as the expansion of the Technology & Innovation Center in Vienna into the most modern testing, research and innovation centre in the country, or solutions in the area of cybersecurity and artificial intelligence.

On 116 pages, the annual report presents highlights from Austria and many countries around the world, conveying the radiance, dynamism and, above all, the high level of acceptance of TÜV AUSTRIA’s independent expertise in the areas of safety, quality, innovation, research, sustainability and environmental protection. The current annual report in German and English has the motto Living the Future and shows what TÜV AUSTRIA is all about. The constant look ahead, the spirit of research and innovation and an individual, increasingly digital, solution portfolio for customers and partners.

Train the trainers, Project HyPro4ST


Brezplačno Usposabljanje predavateljev s področja turizma

Pridobite nove kompetence in se pridružite na brezplačnem “Usposabljanju predavateljev s področja turizma” v sklopu projekta HyPro4ST.

Vavčer za pridobitev certifikatov SPS


Pridobite ISO CERTIFIKAT TÜV AUSTRIA s pomočjo nepovratnih sredstev

Pridobite ISO CERTIFIKAT TÜV AUSTRIA s pomočjo nepovratnih sredstev preko poziva Slovenskega Podjetniškega Sklada: V3 – Vavčer za pridobitev certifikatov

ISO certified


Nova zahteva ISO:
Podnebne spremembe so vključene v vse standarde sistemov vodenja

22. februarja 2024 sta IAF in Mednarodna organizacija za standardizacijo (ISO) v podporo Londonski deklaraciji ISO o podnebnih spremembah objavili skupno sporočilo o izdaji dodatka glede podnebnih sprememb k novim in obstoječim standardom sistemov vodenja ISO. Namen je zagotoviti, da certificirana organizacija poleg ostalih vprašanj obravnava tudi področje podnebnih sprememb v kontekstu učinkovitosti sistema vodenja.

Dr. Stefan Haas, CEO TÜV AUSTRIA Group (C) TÜV AUSTRIA, Roland Rudolph

End-of-year remarks

Into the new year with optimism
Dr. Stefan Haas, CEO TÜV AUSTRIA Group

The Russian war of aggression has still not come to an end, we are witnesses to Israel’s fight against Hamas terror. Natural disasters, environmental pollution and much more cast a dim outlook on the future. So why are we actually optimistic about 2024?



Partnerstvo TÜV v IRDO projektu HORUS – sodelujemo pri izdelavi certifikacijske sheme

Podjetje TÜV AUSTRIA SERVIS (Slovenija) je kot podporni partner že v lanskem letu z namenom razvoja modela certificiranja pristopilo k izvedbi projekta HORUS – Slovenska NAGRADA in CERTIFIKAT za družbeno odgovornost in trajnostni razvoj.

Carbon Footprint | (c) Shutterstock 2025313889 Francesco Scatena

Sustainable toll hardware

ISO 14067
First hardware components of toll solutions certified

Train the trainers, Project HyPro4ST
Vavčer za pridobitev certifikatov SPS
ISO certified
Dr. Stefan Haas, CEO TÜV AUSTRIA Group (C) TÜV AUSTRIA, Roland Rudolph
Carbon Footprint | (c) Shutterstock 2025313889 Francesco Scatena

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Preverite certifikat

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