Project Nanoro in Burkina Faso: Dreams come true


TÜV AUSTRIA has been supporting the construction of Bethel High School in Burkina Faso since 2019. The Nanoro project has made significant progress since then and is now nearing completion.

In the past few weeks, final consultations have taken place with the companies involved as well as the lead technician, who is also supervising the construction, in order to coordinate the last steps of the construction phase. Thanks to the recent progress, one can hardly speak of a construction site any more, even if the final touches are still missing. Although the buildings may seem simple to our eyes, the idea and the campus are something unique and inspiring for the people of Burkina Faso.

Technicians of the future

Bethel High School, strategically located halfway between the capital and Mali, can accommodate 900 students from the age of 14. The first school level will start in October and 300 students can already be admitted. Already 220 interested students have registered. It is particularly pleasing that 120 of these registrations are from girls. This is a great success and a sign that the years of educational work and seminars of the project participants in the community have been successful.

Teaching staff is also already available, with 26 teachers, some with university degrees, ready to share their knowledge and shape the future of the students.

The Nanoro project can look back on a remarkable development since the start of the project, especially against the background of the difficulties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and political unrest in Burkina Faso.

Education is the key

Driven by the chances that this opportunity for education opens up for the future pupils, the motivation of all those involved in the project for the upcoming final phase is enormous. The project team expresses its heartfelt thanks for the support that has made it possible to realise this project and thus make dreams come true.

Train the trainers, Project HyPro4ST


Brezplačno Usposabljanje predavateljev s področja turizma

Pridobite nove kompetence in se pridružite na brezplačnem “Usposabljanju predavateljev s področja turizma” v sklopu projekta HyPro4ST.

Vavčer za pridobitev certifikatov SPS


Pridobite ISO CERTIFIKAT TÜV AUSTRIA s pomočjo nepovratnih sredstev

Pridobite ISO CERTIFIKAT TÜV AUSTRIA s pomočjo nepovratnih sredstev preko poziva Slovenskega Podjetniškega Sklada: V3 – Vavčer za pridobitev certifikatov

ISO certified


Nova zahteva ISO:
Podnebne spremembe so vključene v vse standarde sistemov vodenja

22. februarja 2024 sta IAF in Mednarodna organizacija za standardizacijo (ISO) v podporo Londonski deklaraciji ISO o podnebnih spremembah objavili skupno sporočilo o izdaji dodatka glede podnebnih sprememb k novim in obstoječim standardom sistemov vodenja ISO. Namen je zagotoviti, da certificirana organizacija poleg ostalih vprašanj obravnava tudi področje podnebnih sprememb v kontekstu učinkovitosti sistema vodenja.

Dr. Stefan Haas, CEO TÜV AUSTRIA Group (C) TÜV AUSTRIA, Roland Rudolph

End-of-year remarks

Into the new year with optimism
Dr. Stefan Haas, CEO TÜV AUSTRIA Group

The Russian war of aggression has still not come to an end, we are witnesses to Israel’s fight against Hamas terror. Natural disasters, environmental pollution and much more cast a dim outlook on the future. So why are we actually optimistic about 2024?



Partnerstvo TÜV v IRDO projektu HORUS – sodelujemo pri izdelavi certifikacijske sheme

Podjetje TÜV AUSTRIA SERVIS (Slovenija) je kot podporni partner že v lanskem letu z namenom razvoja modela certificiranja pristopilo k izvedbi projekta HORUS – Slovenska NAGRADA in CERTIFIKAT za družbeno odgovornost in trajnostni razvoj.

TÜV AUSTRIA CEO Dr. Stefan Haas und CFO Mag. Christoph Wenninger - trend TOP 500


trend TOP 500
TÜV AUSTRIA ranked 373rd largest company in Austria

Train the trainers, Project HyPro4ST
Vavčer za pridobitev certifikatov SPS
ISO certified
Dr. Stefan Haas, CEO TÜV AUSTRIA Group (C) TÜV AUSTRIA, Roland Rudolph
TÜV AUSTRIA CEO Dr. Stefan Haas und CFO Mag. Christoph Wenninger - trend TOP 500

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